Paragliding, like hang gliding, is free flight. The pilot needs to understand aerodynamics and meteorology enough to fly safely. Your life depends on this knowledge. So obviously one wants to select the best school possible for basic training. Find out about us at About Us.
The first lesson starts with an hour of video tape instruction on how and why the paraglider flies, basic aerodynamics and meteorology.
Our field lessons run from 8 to 11 a.m. or 3:30 p.m. to sunset. The student learns to inflate the paraglider and control it while running downhill into the wind. Short ground skimming flights follow. The student moves uphill slowly to a 75 foot launch, a 150 foot launch and then a 300 foot launch at the top of Cobble Hill.
The student's progress up the hill depends upon wind conditions, the student's ability to pick up control of the glider and his or her stamina to hike back up the hill between flights.
We provide the glider, harness, helmet and radios for in flight instruction. You bring hiking boots, layered clothing and plenty of drinking water for an exhilarating experience.
The Para 2 rating is the basic solo rating required by the United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (USHPA) to fly a paraglider on your own without direct supervision of an instructor. It requires a minimum of 5 days of flying, 25 flights, 5 spot landings, basic maneuvers and two written exams.
See Planning Lessons for more information.
USHPA (United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association)
NEPC (New England Paragliding Club)
VHGA (Vermont Hang Gliding Association)